K40 Platinum100 Portable Radar Detector with GPS



K40 (K40-100) Platinum100 Long Range Portable Radar Detector
  • LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) Radar Receiver Technology for greater range and sensitivity.
  • GPS Features such as Mark to Mute, Mark to Alert, Speed Monitor, Quiet Ride and more.
  • Advanced Filtering – Makes it the quietest, most dependable radar and laser detector available today.
  • More Features!

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The Platinum100 gives you the ultimate portable speeding ticket protection and puts you in control of where and when you hear police radar and laser alerts. With K40, you’re ready to drive right out of the box.

The Latest Technology for Long Range Protection – The Platinum100 includes engineering enhancements that inspire confidence to drive with today’s best speeding ticket protection.

  • New LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) radar receiver technology increases range and sensitivity.
  • A more powerful CPU for a more responsive system and greater customization options.
  • USB is updateable for future expansion.

GPS Features

The Platinum100 offers you fully customizable GPS technology features such as:

  • Mark to Mute – Mute audible warnings of false, non-police radar locations you regularly travel past with a simple push of the MARK button on your Platinum100.
  • Mark to Alert – Mark locations to alert, such as dangerous intersections, speed traps, school zones, and red-light cameras, by pressing and holding the MARK button on your Platinum100.
  • Speed Monitor – Track your speed without taking your eyes off the road and be alerted if you exceed your pre-selected speed.
  • Quiet Ride – Mute all alerts under a pre-selected speed. Eliminates alerts when you are driving at or near the posted speed limit (Default setting is 20 mph).
  • Auto Filter – Sensitivity automatically adjusts to the optimum setting based on your vehicle’s speed. This “set it and forget it” option means you always have just the right amount of protection. Less sensitivity at lower speeds means fewer false alerts; increased sensitivity at higher speeds means more time to slow down and avoid that ticket.

Advanced Filtering

The Platinum100 is packed with advanced filtering technology, making it the quietest and most dependable radar and laser defense system available today.

  • K-Band Filter – Automatically rejects false alerts from radar-based safety features like Collision Avoidance and Lane Departure Warnings from other vehicles (including your own).
  • Traffic Sensor Filter – Rejects alerts from traffic flow sensors usually encountered during highway driving.
  • Ka-Band Filter – Enables filtration of non-police Ka-Band radar signals, e.g., other radar detectors and satellite broadcast bands.

Radar Band Selectivity

The Platinum100 allows you to choose specific band frequency ranges you wish to be alerted to. Make the drive quieter by honing in on specific frequency ranges used only by a police officer’s radar gun.

  • K-Band Narrow/Wide/Extended – Allows you to customize the frequency range of K-Band radar signals your system scans and alerts for.
  • Ka-Band Narrow/Wide – Allows you to customize the frequency range of Ka-Band radar signals your system scans and alerts for.

Optional K40 Laser Defuser® Protection

Become invisible to police laser guns. The Platinum100, combined with the combat power of Laser Defuser transponders, delivers the ultimate in bumper-to-bumper speeding ticket protection

Product highlights:

  • radar/laser detector featuring GPS protection
  • suction-cup windshield mount, coiled power cord, straight power cord, and extra fuses
  • headphone jack
  • mini-USB input
  • multi-color OLED display


  • detects all X, K, and Ka police radar bands, plus MRCD/CT
  • laser detection
  • low-noise amplifier (LNA) receiver boosts signal for long-range warning
  • digital voice and audio tone alerts for radar, laser, and MRCD/CT
  • Traffic Sensor Filter rejects alerts from roadside traffic flow sensors
  • sensitivity modes: Highway, City, and AutoCity (speed-based)
  • K-Band Filter (KBF) rejects alerts from radar based safety features like collision avoidance and adaptive cruise control
  • filtration modes: Highway, City, Filter, Auto-Filter (speed-based)
  • RDD Guard provides protection from radar detector detection (RDD)
  • 25 programmable features
  • Mute, Extended Mute, and Auto Volume options
  • All Threat Mode

GPS Features:

  • Mark to Mute silences false stationary alerts
  • Mark to Alert for specific GPS locations like red-light cameras
  • Quiet Ride silences alerts until you exceed a selected speed
  • Speed Monitor over-speed alert
  • AutoFilter automatically adjusts sensitivity based on vehicle speed.
  • speed, clock, and compass display

What’s in the box:

  • Radar/laser detector
  • 9.5′ Straight power cord with vehicle power adapter
  • 3.5′ Coiled power cord
  • Two 2A Spare fuses
  • Windshield mount with 2.5″ suction cup
  • CR2032 Lithium battery (installed in remote)
  • Owner’s Manual
  • Warranty Registration for Ticket-Free Driving


Vehicle Information